General Trading

About Marimaz
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The company

Carries out all commercial activities of all kinds, general trade, import, export, shipping, and commissioning, including the trade of foodstuffs of all kinds, fats, canned goods, meat, dairy, cheese, cigarettes, household appliances, biscuits, soap, cleaning tools, vegetable oils, refreshments, vegetables, fruits, tools, medical supplies, perfumes, cosmetic tools, and Hygiene Kit. Personal Protective Equipment and Food Parcel Kit.

Our company is concerned with securing all life necessities such as food, detergents, fabrics, and other industrial and food products. Our work is also based on the commitment to projects related to humanitarian associations, which in turn assign us to secure the needs of refugee camps from A to Z

Why choose us

  • Accuracy in securing the required options at all levels with regard to foodstuffs, protection tools, and other products
  • Speed in shipping, customs clearance, and follow-up packing from the country of origin
  • Completion of agreements with specifications conforming to the terms
  • Giving advice and options to facilitate projects that concern me with disaster support and the non-profit associations
  • PR and international contacts that improves the deals through our company

About Founders


Mazen Sukarie

Co-founder, Engineer


1 – Partner in “Marimaz” general trading company specializing in medical supplies and foodstuffs.
2- Owner of Al Mazen Engineering Office – General Contracts.
3- Partner in “Marimaz Farms”.
4- He carried out projects in all Lebanese regions, including infrastructure and construction.
5- He implemented many engineering projects in all Lebanese regions.
6- A member of the Syndicate of Engineers and Contractors.
Work in the field of construction and contracting.


Mariam Al Houseiny

Managing Partner, Business Consultant


1 – A partner in the company “Marimaz” for general trading specialized in medical supplies and foodstuffs.
2- Administrative Director in Al Mazen Engineering Office and Tender Department.
3- Partner in “Marimaz Farms”.
4- Previously, I worked in tenders and project management.
5- An active member in the violence against women movement, family guidance.
6- Do other social activities.